Friday, November 6, 2009

Remembering Spring

I didn't have time to catch all the beautiful fall colors, so instead I am revisiting spring time with flowers. It is amazing how every season is filled with color, some vibrant, some with amazing patterns, and others are have a mysterious darkness.

I especially love when I can capture an bee or another insect with a flower.
I have a special love for bees, as long as they are not stinging me.
I had never seen these flowers before they popped up in my parent's yeard. I find them to be such a unique, beautiful flower.
When I discovered the super macro setting on my camera I discovered a whole new world.
The insides of a poppy seem to paint the inner sourounding which I find very fascinating.
The ability of a flower to have such a uniform shape is stunning.

I find these flowers simply gorgeous, especially with the morning rain drops.

Later in the day the flowers look so different. Amazing how plants are so adapted to their surrounding.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Brown Pelicans and a Common Tern

I don't remember seeing brown pelicans on the Oregon coast while growing up, so I don't know why I am seeing so many nowadays.  I find these birds very fascinating due to their size, diving and shape.  While on the coast, I saw more brown pelicans than sea gulls even!  They were having a feast along the Columbia River where it meets the Pacific Ocean and I took advantage of this with my camera on hand.

A common tern showed up looking for fish as well. 

According to the National Audubon Society Field Guide to Birds the Brown Pelicans are having a comeback now that some pesticides were banned.  That must be why I am seeing them more often!

With Astoria in the background, a brown pelican searches for lunch.

These birds can dive over 50 feet when they see their prey.  They resurface to swallow the fish.  

Brown Pelicans are tame birds that are more sensitive to chemical pollutants found in the fish they eat.  There have been incidences in the last few years of mass pelican deaths due to this.  A good reminder of the importance to stop pollution of our oceans since this affects all life forms.