I was feeling a little down one recent Sunday morning, but the sun was shining and my camera was calling my name. I decided to go to Sauvie Island and explore the area and even get a parking pass, as required on the island. Someone I volunteer with gave me some ideas of places to check out, and even though I got lost, which is hard to do on the island, I did find many treasures.
There were many flowers in nearby fields.
I love the shape of these plants, especially next to one another.
The first natural area I came across I saw a great blue heron in the field, later joined by an egret. In the distance I could see swans and I yearned to go closer, but signs warned to not go any further and that hunting season was ongoing. In the short distance I saw a red tail hawk flying by a tree, so I started to cross the boundary anyway, but heard gunshots and decided against it. Luckily a red tail stopped in a tree in the “safe zone” and I got some great shots.
As I traveled the road I was unfamiliar with, I found myself at a dead end with bird sounds in the distance, but once again the areas were marked for hunters. So frustrating!
I did manage to see birds in the trees, swans flying overhead and other beautiful sights.
Eventually I got back on the road and finally found a no hunting area and started to take a walk. The downfall was no swans or marshes in the area. I did not go the full 3 mile loop that a hiker told me about, but I did find a woodpecker who was nice enough to let me get close and take cute pictures.
I am excited to go back to Sauvie Island for more nature adventures. Hopefully soon, the hunters will be gone and there can be peace there once again.
Wildlife refuges that allow hunters are common, but it makes no sense to me. It is a challenge to enjoy nature with sounds of destruction in the distance. I had to control myself when I saw one such hunter coming out of the nature zone I was not permitted. With his camo and rifle, he became a symbol on the war against nature we so readily allow.